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Rules and Regulations



Membership in the 12th Georgia Infantry is open to all persons. New recruits are given one year in which to equip themselves with uniform, accoutrements, and rifle-musket; being allowed to borrow from available Company gear during their first year if available.


There is a three-event/muster trial period for all prospective new members.




In order to take the field as a participant, a member that is 16 to 17  years of age must be escorted by a parent or legal guardian, have written permission from the parent or legal guardian, and carry the proper insurance. If younger, he or she may participate in non-combatant activities if a parent or legal guardian is present and the proper insurance is carried at all times.


To take the field unescorted, a member must be 18 years of age or older and carry the proper insurance.


Single membership dues and insurance will be $30 yearly, plus $8 per child, payable by January 31st. If a single adult member joins mid-season, the cost is $2.50 for each remaining month in the calendar year. Make all payments payable to the 12th Georgia.




·        In order to participate in the voting process, a person must be an active member of this company exclusively.

·        Dues must be paid before voting on company issues.

·        Familiarization of historical content and camp roles is essential.

·        For someone to run for the position of an officer or NCO:

-        Must be nominated to run for office or rank.

-        May not lose rank or office without just cause.

-        Must be a member in good standing for 1 year.

-        Must know the Regulations and Manual of Arms.

-        A Corporal must attend 4 events yearly.

-        A Sgt. must attend 5 events yearly.

-        Lieutenants and Captains must attend 6 events yearly.




Co. F, 12th Ga. Vol. Infantry should strive for a high level of authenticity and period correctness. While not quite stitch counters, we are constantly seeking improvement in our knowledge of the time and people we are trying to represent. 1860's etiquette for both military and civilians will be observed at all times in camp.




We encourage soldiers to bring their families with them and have them participate in events, making sure of course they can provide adequate shelter. Soldiers may have their civilian wives, children, significant others, etc., camp on the Company Street.  Single female civilians are welcome to camp on the Company Street or on Headquarters Row, wherever they feel most comfortable. It is our intention to keep the hobby fun and accessible to all. Proper dress and insurance are mandated for individuals if they wish to stay in camp. We have a civilian camp called Unity for civilians to join if they so wish. This may also be a viable option for an individual or other family members.






Whenever possible, The Infantry Camp will be set up as per the Regulations for a Camp of Infantry, Army of the Confederate States of America, 1863, with particular attention paid to the correct spacings of the kitchen and tentage of the Company Street. We will nearly always set up in the "Garrison" mode, which allows us to have the luxury of the wedge tents. Shelter-half tents, "shebangs", or bed rolls are also allowed. No giant wall tents or huge fly tents on the Company Street. Members are encouraged to sleep in camp if at all possible, and make morning role call.


Camp Furniture


Try your best to keep it to a minimum. The less you bring, the less you have to pack out. All members must help set up and break down the Company camp.




The use of alcoholic beverages in camp is not really encouraged but is permissible, however, only after weapons have been secured and the camp is closed to the public. No consumption of alcohol before handling weapons at any time.




During the time that the camp is open to the public, use only pipes or cigars, as cigarettes as we know them today were incredibly rare. For cigarette smokers, Sherman's brand in the brown oval shape is a good alternative.




Strict weapons safety will be observed at all times. Make sure your rifle musket is in good operating condition and clean before you bring it to an event. Weapons will be field-cleaned at the end of each day and secured in such a way as to protect them from the elements as much as possible. Be aware of and abide by all local firearms laws.




Although pre-made cartridges are sometimes available from sutlers at an event, they must not be relied on. It is much more economical to make your own and package them. Learn how to properly make your own. 60 grains maximum of black powder will be used per cartridge for .577 caliber and .58 caliber weapons, and 90 grains maximum of black powder will be used for .69 caliber weapons. Pyrodex and other black powder substitutes are dangerous and are not permitted.




Before going into any combat, Tactical or Spectator, make sure you feel well enough physically. Check your canteen beforehand and make sure it's filled. Check your ammunition and caps. You should carry at least 60 rounds and enough caps to last through the engagement. Everyone should have a general idea of what is going on before moving out onto the field.


No person under the age of 16 shall carry arms into any combat. Persons under the age of 16 participating in non-combatant activities must carry the proper insurance.


Bayonets are not to be fixed at any time for combat.


Ramrods will remain in the pipes at all times during combat.


Firing distance: If enemy troops are more than 100 yards away, aim just over their heads. From 100 to 50 yards, elevate your rifle in such a manner as to be safe. From 50 to 25 yards, elevate plenty before you fire.  No one should fire any closer than 10 yards.  If enemy troops continue to close and fire from this distance or less, take a hit and let your immediate superior know about this after action has ceased. Do not fire around cannons or cavalry.


Hand to Hand: Absolutely no unscripted hand to hand combat. Things can get out of control very quickly. Never capture flags or cannons unless scripted.


Taking hits: Most of the time this is done on the honor system. When taking a hit, do it reasonable and safely. Try to look where you are going to fall. If you are coming down with the heat or running out of ammunition, take a hit. If only wounded, please, no long, drawn out affairs.  If affected with a mortal hit, stay down and dead until action ceases.  DO NOT TAKE A HIT WITH A LOADED RIFLE. DISCHARGE YOUR WEAPON FIRST. BE CERTAIN TO CLOSE YOUR AMMUNITION BOX AND CAPS POUCH.


Follow the commands of your immediate superior. Even mock combat can be very noisy and confusing. If you don't understand a command, try your best to do what you think is correct. If you have a problem with an order, or the person giving it, follow the command anyway, and take it up with them after action has ceased, in private, away from spectators.


No one-man charges. Stay in rank.


As a general rule of thumb, stay away from all mounted cavalry and artillery.


Safety violations: This is very important. Should you see something going on during combat that compromises basic safety common sense, anyone may call out Cease Fire. Things such as a blatant disregard for weapons safety, drunkenness on the field, should be reported after action has ceased and in private away from spectators. No shouting matched on the field.


The 12th Georgia Infantry does not run before Yankees. If ordered to withdraw, we will do so in an orderly fashion and according to the commands of the officers and the NCOs of the Company.




Should someone require medical attention on the field, call out loudly "MEDICAL EMERGENCY". Do not call out "medic" or "surgeon", so that people know that you have a real medical situation on hand. Remember, the correct call out is "MEDICAL EMERGENCY".




Periods style cooking, foods, and menu are encouraged (a guideline is following the seasons).











Fresh Fruit



Corn Dodgers/Fritters

Cottage Cheese


Fresh Vegetables

Biscuits and Gravy




Apple Butter






Corn, Whole Wheat, Hardtack,

Beef Stew


Sourdough, Brown Bread

Baked Beans/Salsa


Steak and Potatoes


Beef Cubes

Canned Fruits

Chicken and Dumplings

Fresh Fruits

Fried Chicken



Cocoa Fudge



Ham and Mustard


Ginger Snaps, Oatmeal,

Fresh Vegetables


Gingerbread, Molasses

Canned Vegetables



Fresh Vegetables

Meat Pies




Hasty Pudding







Milk/Evaporated Milk


Apple Cider


Beer/Wines (to be used only after the



public is gone and weapons are secured)




As an Infantryman, the most valuable tool of your trade is your rifle. An experienced soldier knows that nothing is better for a unit's morale than to have their weapons clean, inside and out. Here are some suggestions to help keep your rifle in good, safe operating condition at all times.


When done shooting for the day, leave a dead cap on the nipple. Remove the lockplate by loosening the lock plate screws a couple of turns, and gently tapping on them to push the lockplate away from the stock. Then go ahead an unscrew them all the way, taking care not to lose the screws or the side escutcheons. Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil, and pour about half a barrel full of boiling water down the muzzle. Swish it around, and pour it back out. Next take a nipple wrench and loosen the nipple about a quarter-turn. This is to allow the boiling water to access the threads underneath the nipple. With the nipple pointed towards the ground, continue pouring boiling water around the barrel (with the dead cap removed) letting the water run through and out the nipple until you have a good steady stream of clear water. While your water is still hot, using a pair of pliers to hold the lockplate, pour boiling water over and into the lock to rid it of any powder residue. After everything has had a chance to air dry, run a few patches down the barrel to make sure it as dry as possible, same for the lock. Then soak a patch in very light gun oil and give everything a light coat. Wipe off any excess spillage, reassemble the lockplate, and check the outside of the barrel and other metal parts for rust and corrosion. Of special concern is the snail or drum area around the nipple, make sure you have removed the powder residue by using a small wire brush. Make sure the nipple is picked clean. Pipe cleaners, cleaning patches, gun oil, wire brush, and a replacement nipple, should be carried in a secure tin box or container.






·        (Primary duty) CORPORAL OF THE GUARD.

·        Know and instruct in the School of the Soldier.

·        Know the Principle of Firing.

·        Serve as an example:

-        Neatness and cleanliness of clothing and equipment

-        First to fall in ranks, always fully prepared

-        Within ranks, march with great skill while silent

·        The NCO in charge of general or street police detail after reveille and just before parade. Clean areas, tents aligned and properly laid out, wood cut and stacked for both general area and company street, when no separate detail in formed for the purpose.

·        The NCO in charge for smaller fatigue parties, which include:

-        Supply roster of detail to the 1st Sgt.

-        Knowing location of all men at all times

-        Completing work assignments satisfactorily

-        Rendering compliments to officers passing the detail

-        Drawing and returning tools for the detail (from Sgt. Maj.)

-        Drawing gill of whiskey for each man if detail warrants




·        (Primary duty) FILE CLOSER.

·        Know and instruct in the School of the Soldier.

·        Know and instruct in the School of the Company.

·        Know and instruct in Principles of Firing.

·        Know and instruct in Drill for Skirmishers.

·        Know the duties of Company and Battalion Guides.

·        Sergeant of the Guard.

·        NCO in charge of larger fatigue parties.


First Sergeant


·        (Primary duty) Immediate supervision of the Company.

·        Governs the Company and maintains good order and discipline. Essentially the "foreman", while the other soldiers are the "artesians". Supervises the carrying out of the Company Commander's orders.

·        Responsible to do all other duties described for Sergeants.

·        At Regimental level, the First Sergeant is referred to as an Orderly Sergeant, since each morning and when the Orderly call is sounded, he repairs to Regimental Headquarters to receive ORDERS. These are then passed to the Company Commander before passing them on to the Company.

·        Keeps the Company books by supervising the Company Clerk … Co.  Order Book, Rosters, Descriptive Book, etc.

·        Conducts all Roll Calls.

·        Assigns and oversees all Company details, fatigue or otherwise.

·        Capable of accounting for every man at all times.

·        Inspects and escorts Guard Detail to and from Guard Mount.

·        Supervises the duties and accountable for the accuracy of the Company Quartermaster, regarding camp equipage, other company property, clothing, etc., and the Company Commissary Sergeant regarding rations, if there is one.

·        Responsible for accountability of Company Ordinance allowance.